Think You Have Covid-19 Symptoms, Here’s What To Do

The number of persons getting infected with the novel coronavirus is on the rise. All over the world including the UK, more cases are being reported – it’s like a broken pipe that has been leaking water and requires fixing.

While there are studies and researches ongoing to look for a lasting solution to this pandemic that has wrecked lives and businesses globally, you should be aware of the seriousness of this matter and take precautions to guide yourself.

Here, you will find what to do if you think you have become infected with this viral infection.

Action points for when you think there are signs and symptoms of coronavirus

For mild flu-like symptoms

According to health experts, should you experience symptoms that look like that of flu, it is imperative you contact your healthcare provider or doctor, and tell them why you feel you might be infected.

Following your report, the doctor can collaborate with the state and Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to determine whether you should get a private covid test. 

The CDC has recommended that you call ahead before going to see a doctor rather than just walking into the clinic.

This is very important as it will help the doctor have enough time to keep other patients at the clinic from getting exposed to the virus.

For difficulty breathing, persistent pain in the chest, bluish lips or face.

You need urgent help says the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) if you are experiencing any of the symptoms above.

For mild coronavirus symptoms

Kindly self-isolate at home if you fall sick from minor symptoms of covid-19. Do well to use a mask and stay away from other persons around you.

Make sure you sneeze, cough, or blow your nose into a tissue – cover your mouth. Right away, wash your hands using soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. Wipe down frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, phones, counters, etc. says the CDC.

Other recommendations by the CDC

If the following 3 conditions have been certified by persons who are under self-isolation at home, they qualify to leave the house:

  • There is an improvement in symptoms
  • There hasn’t been any fever for at least 3 days of not taking medication that lowers fever
  • At least a week has passed since symptoms happened

For those who have tested positive to coronavirus, leaving home is possible if the following 3 conditions have been met:

  • Fever has stopped even without taking the medication that reduces it
  • There is an improvement in other symptoms
  • Result from your tests done 24 hours apart turns out negative twice


There is no need to panic if you think you have contracted the coronavirus. The things mentioned here can help you control the situation. 

You are not alone if infected. Should you need a private covid test London, our team of medical experts are here to help. Contact us today.

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